
リビジョン 70, 10.1 kB (コミッタ: sorshi, コミット時期: 17 年 前)


1 drop table  foltia_program ;
3 create table foltia_program (
4 tid int8 PRIMARY KEY,
5 title text ,
6 startweektype text,
7 starttime text,
8 lengthmin int8,
9 firstlight text,
10 officialuri text ,
11 aspect int8 ,
12 psp int8 ,
13 transfer text,
14 PSPdirname text
15 );
16 create unique index foltia_program_tid_index on foltia_program (tid);
18 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_program" from PUBLIC;
19 GRANT UPDATE,SELECT,INSERT on "foltia_program" to "foltia";
21 drop table  foltia_subtitle ;
23 create table foltia_subtitle (
24 pid int8  PRIMARY KEY,
25 tid int8,
26 stationid int8,
27 countno int8,
28 subtitle text,
29 startdatetime int8,
30 enddatetime int8,
31 startoffset int8,
32 lengthmin int8,
33 m2pfilename text ,
34 PSPfilename text ,
35 epgaddedby int8
36 );
37 create unique index foltia_subtitle_pid_index on foltia_subtitle (pid);
38 create  index foltia_subtitle_tid_index on foltia_subtitle (tid);
39 create  index foltia_subtitle_stationid_index on foltia_subtitle (stationid);
40 create  index foltia_subtitle_enddatetime_index on foltia_subtitle (enddatetime);
41 create  index foltia_subtitle_startdatetime_index on foltia_subtitle (startdatetime);
43 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_subtitle" from PUBLIC;
44 GRANT UPDATE,SELECT,INSERT on "foltia_subtitle" to "foltia";
46 drop table foltia_tvrecord;
47 create table foltia_tvrecord (
48 tid int8   PRIMARY KEY,
49 stationid int8,
50 bitrate int8
51 );
52 create  index foltia_tvrecord_tid_index on foltia_tvrecord (tid);
54 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_tvrecord" from PUBLIC;
55 GRANT ALL on "foltia_tvrecord" to "foltia";
58 drop table foltia_epg;
59 create table foltia_epg (
60 epgid int8   PRIMARY KEY,
61 startdatetime int8,
62 enddatetime int8,
63 lengthmin int8 ,
64 ontvchannel text,
65 epgtitle text,
66 epgdesc text,
67 epgcategory text
68 );
69 create  index foltia_epg_startdatetime_index on foltia_epg (startdatetime);
70 create  index foltia_epg_enddatetime_index on foltia_epg (enddatetime);
71 create  index foltia_epg_ontvchannel_index on foltia_epg (ontvchannel);
73 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_epg" from PUBLIC;
74 GRANT ALL on "foltia_epg" to "foltia";
76 drop table foltia_m2pfiles;
77 create table foltia_m2pfiles (
78 m2pfilename text
79 );
80 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_m2pfiles" from PUBLIC;
81 GRANT ALL on "foltia_m2pfiles" to "foltia";
83 drop table foltia_mp4files;
84 create table foltia_mp4files (
85 tid int8,
86 mp4filename text
87 );
88 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_mp4files" from PUBLIC;
89 GRANT ALL on "foltia_mp4files" to "foltia";
91 drop table foltia_station;
92 CREATE TABLE foltia_station (
93     stationid bigint  PRIMARY KEY,
94     stationname text,
95     stationrecch bigint,
96     stationcallsign text,
97     stationuri text,
98     tunertype text,
99     tunerch text,
100     device text,
101     ontvcode text
102 );
103 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_station" from PUBLIC;
104 GRANT ALL on "foltia_station" to "foltia";
106 --
107 -- PostgreSQL database dump
108 --
110 SET client_encoding = 'EUC_JP';
111 SET check_function_bodies = false;
115 SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
117 --
118 -- TOC entry 3 (OID 17158)
119 -- Name: foltia_station; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: foltia
120 --
122 --
123 -- TOC entry 4 (OID 17158)
124 -- Name: foltia_station; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: foltia
125 --
130 --
131 -- Data for TOC entry 6 (OID 17158)
132 -- Name: foltia_station; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: foltia
133 --
134 INSERT INTO foltia_program VALUES (0, 'EPG録画', '', '', NULL, '', '', 3, 1, '', '');
135 INSERT INTO foltia_tvrecord VALUES (0,0,5);
137 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (1, 'NHK総合', 1, 'NHK', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
138 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (3, 'NHK教育', 3, 'ETV', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
139 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (4, '日本テレビ', 4, 'NTV', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
140 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (6, 'TBS', 6, 'TBS', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
141 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (8, 'フジテレビ', 8, 'CX', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
142 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (10, 'テレビ朝日', 10, 'EX', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
143 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (12, 'テレビ東京', 12, 'TX', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
144 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (422, '東海テレビ', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
145 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (42, 'tvk', 5, 'TVK', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
146 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (423, 'ShowTime', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
147 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (424, 'メ〜テレ', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
148 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (409, 'BS日テレ', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X141', NULL, '');
149 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (384, 'BS朝日', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X151', NULL, '');
150 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (425, '三重テレビ', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
151 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (426, '中京テレビ', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
152 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (293, 'AT-X', 0, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
153 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (161, 'BS-i', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X161', NULL, '');
154 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (382, 'BSジャパン', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X171', NULL, '');
155 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (295, 'フジ721', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
156 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (380, 'スカパー180ch', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
157 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (427, '岐阜放送', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
158 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (428, 'テレビ新広島', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
159 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (383, 'サンテレビ', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
160 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (429, 'CBCテレビ', -10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
161 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (385, 'TBSチャンネル', 0, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
162 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (386, 'テレ朝チャンネル', 0, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
163 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (389, 'BS Japan', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X171', NULL, NULL);
164 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (390, 'サンテレビジョン', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
165 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (0, '[全局]', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
166 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (392, 'スカパー183ch', 0, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
167 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (393, 'BSQR 489', -10, '', '', 'b', 'X489', NULL, NULL);
168 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (394, 'スカパー160ch', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
169 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (396, 'KBS京都', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
170 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (398, 'テレビ大阪', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
171 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (399, 'ABCテレビ', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
172 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (400, 'なし', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
173 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (402, '関西テレビ', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
174 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (406, 'MBS毎日放送', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
175 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (407, '', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
176 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (410, 'テレビ愛知', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
177 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (411, 'インターネット', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
178 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (381, 'BSフジ', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X181', NULL, '');
179 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (413, 'ytv', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
180 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (414, 'LFX488', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
181 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (415, 'LFX', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
182 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (416, 'LFX BB', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
183 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (191, 'WOWOW', 0, 'BS5', '', 'b', 'X191', NULL, '');
184 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (419, 'GyaO', -10, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
185 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (418, '放送大学', 0, 'UAIR', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '');
186 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (420, 'WOWOW2', 0, NULL, NULL, 'b', 'X192', NULL, '');
187 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (417, 'とちぎテレビ', -10, 'TTV', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
188 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (412, '群馬テレビ', -10, 'GTV', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
189 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (46, 'チバテレビ', -10, 'CTC', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
190 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (38, 'テレ玉', -10, 'TVS', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
191 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (14, 'TOKYO MX', 0, 'MX', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
192 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (421, 'WOWOW3', 0, NULL, NULL, 'b', 'X193', NULL, '');
193 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (401, 'チャンネルNECO', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X242', NULL, '');
194 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (395, 'カミングスーンTV', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X245', NULL, '');
195 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (408, 'ファミリー劇場', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X254', NULL, '');
196 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (397, 'カートゥーンネットワーク', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X262', NULL, '');
197 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (103, 'NHK-BShi', 0, '', '', 'b', 'X103', '', '');
198 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (101, 'NHK-BS1', 0, 'BS7', '', 'b', 'X101',NULL,  '');
199 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (102, 'NHK-BS2', 0, 'BS11', '',  'b', 'X102',NULL,  '');
200 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (261, 'キッズステーション', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X264', '', '');
201 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (263, 'アニマックス', 0, '', '', 'c', 'X263', '', '');
206 --
207 -- TOC entry 5 (OID 17163)
208 -- Name: foltia_station_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: foltia
209 --
211 ALTER TABLE ONLY foltia_station
212     ADD CONSTRAINT foltia_station_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stationid);
214 drop table foltia_envpolicy;
215 CREATE TABLE foltia_envpolicy (
216 memberid bigint  PRIMARY KEY,
217 userclass bigint,
218 name text,
219 passwd1 text ,
220 adddate timestamp,
221 remotehost text
222 );
223 REVOKE ALL on "foltia_envpolicy" from PUBLIC;
224 GRANT ALL on "foltia_envpolicy" to "foltia";
225 create  index foltia_envpolicy_index on foltia_envpolicy (name);
226 insert into foltia_envpolicy  values ( '0','0','foltia','foltiapasswd',now(),'');
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。
track feed