- コミット日時:
- 2010/02/28 22:28:26 (15 年前)
- ファイル:
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r91 r94 25 25 $path = $0; 26 26 $path =~ s/digitaltvrecording.pl$//i; 27 if ($p wdne "./"){27 if ($path ne "./"){ 28 28 push( @INC, "$path"); 29 29 } … … 112 112 &writelog("digitaltvrecording: DEBUG FILENAME ne null \$outputfile $outputfile "); 113 113 }else{ 114 $outputfile .= `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M --date "1 min "`;114 $outputfile .= strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", localtime(time + 60)); 115 115 chomp($outputfile); 116 116 $outputfile .= ".m2t"; … … 193 193 } 194 194 }else{ # エラー b25とrecfriioがありません 195 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recfriio or b25 not found. You must install $toolpath/ b25 and $toolpath/recfriio.");195 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recfriio or b25 not found. You must install $toolpath/perl/tool/b25 and $toolpath/perl/tool/recfriio."); 196 196 exit 1; 197 197 } … … 387 387 } 388 388 }else{ # エラー recpt1がありません 389 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recpt1 not found. You must install $toolpath/ b25 and $toolpath/recpt1.");389 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recpt1 not found. You must install $toolpath/tool/b25 and $toolpath/tool/recpt1."); 390 390 $errorflag = 1; 391 391 } … … 409 409 } 410 410 }else{ # エラー recfriioがありません 411 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recfriio not found. You must install $toolpath/ b25 and $toolpath/recfriio.");411 &writelog("digitaltvrecording :ERROR :recfriio not found. You must install $toolpath/perl/tool/b25 and $toolpath/perl/tool/recfriio."); 412 412 exit 1; 413 413 }