#!/usr/bin/perl # # Anime recording system foltia # http://www.dcc-jpl.com/soft/foltia/ # #addatq.pl # #TIDと局IDを受け取りatqに入れる # addatq.pl [DELETE] # DELETEフラグがつくと削除のみ行う # # DCC-JPL Japan/foltia project # # use DBI; use DBD::Pg; use Schedule::At; use Time::Local; $path = $0; $path =~ s/addatq.pl$//i; if ($pwd ne "./"){ push( @INC, "$path"); } require "foltialib.pl"; #引き数がアルか? $tid = $ARGV[0] ; $station = $ARGV[1]; if (($tid eq "" )|| ($station eq "")){ #引き数なし出実行されたら、終了 print "usage;addatq.pl [DELETE]\n"; exit; } #DB検索(TIDとStationIDからPIDへ) $data_source = sprintf("dbi:%s:dbname=%s;host=%s;port=%d", $DBDriv,$DBName,$DBHost,$DBPort); $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source,$DBUser,$DBPass) ||die $DBI::error;; if ($station == 0){ $DBQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_tvrecord WHERE tid = '$tid' "; }else{ $DBQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_tvrecord WHERE tid = '$tid' AND stationid = '$station' "; } $sth = $dbh->prepare($DBQuery); $sth->execute(); @titlecount = $sth->fetchrow_array; #件数数える #2以上だったら if ($titlecount[0] >= 2){ #全曲取りが含まれているか調べる $DBQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_tvrecord WHERE tid = '$tid' AND stationid ='0' "; $kth = $dbh->prepare($DBQuery); $kth->execute(); @reservecounts = $kth->fetchrow_array; if($reservecounts[0] >= 1 ){#含まれていたら if($tid == 0){ #今回の引き数がSID 0だったら #全局取りだけ予約 # &writelog("addatq DEBUG; ALL STATION RESERVE. TID=$tid SID=$station $titlecount[0] match:$DBQuery"); &addcue; }else{ #ほかの全局録画addatqが予約入れてくれるからなにもしない # &writelog("addatq DEBUG; SKIP OPERSTION. TID=$tid SID=$station $titlecount[0] match:$DBQuery"); exit; }#end if ふくまれていたら }#endif 2つ以上 }elsif($titlecount[0] == 1){ &addcue; }else{ &writelog("addatq error; reserve impossible . TID=$tid SID=$station $titlecount[0] match:$DBQuery"); } #旧処理 # if ($titlecount[0] == 1 ){ # & addcue; # }else{ #&writelog("addatq error record TID=$tid SID=$station $titlecount[0] match:$DBQuery"); #} sub addcue{ if ($station == 0){ $DBQuery = "SELECT * FROM foltia_tvrecord WHERE tid = '$tid' "; }else{ $DBQuery = "SELECT * FROM foltia_tvrecord WHERE tid = '$tid' AND stationid = '$station' "; } $sth = $dbh->prepare($DBQuery); $sth->execute(); @titlecount= $sth->fetchrow_array; $bitrate = $titlecount[2];#ビットレート取得 #PID抽出 $now = &epoch2foldate(`date +%s`); $twodaysafter = &epoch2foldate(`date +%s` + (60 * 60 * 24 * 2)); #キュー入れは直近2日後まで if ($station == 0 ){ $DBQuery = " SELECT * from foltia_subtitle WHERE tid = '$tid' AND startdatetime > '$now' AND startdatetime < '$twodaysafter' "; }else{ $DBQuery = " SELECT * from foltia_subtitle WHERE tid = '$tid' AND stationid = '$station' AND startdatetime > '$now' AND startdatetime < '$twodaysafter' "; #stationIDからrecch $getrecchquery="SELECT stationid , stationrecch FROM foltia_station where stationid = '$station' "; $stationh = $dbh->prepare($getrecchquery); $stationh->execute(); @stationl = $stationh->fetchrow_array; $recch = $stationl[1]; } $sth = $dbh->prepare($DBQuery); $sth->execute(); while (($pid , $tid , $stationid , $countno, $subtitle, $startdatetime, $enddatetime, $startoffset , $lengthmin, $atid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if ($station == 0 ){ #stationIDからrecch $getrecchquery="SELECT stationid , stationrecch FROM foltia_station where stationid = '$stationid' "; $stationh = $dbh->prepare($getrecchquery); $stationh->execute(); @stationl = $stationh->fetchrow_array; $recch = $stationl[1]; } #キュー入れ #プロセス起動時刻は番組開始時刻の-1分 $atdateparam = &calcatqparam(300); $reclength = $lengthmin * 60; #&writelog("TIME $atdateparam COMMAND $toolpath/perl/tvrecording.pl $recch $reclength 0 0 $bitrate $tid $countno"); #キュー削除 Schedule::At::remove ( TAG => "$pid"."_X"); &writelog("addatq remove $pid"); if ( $ARGV[2] eq "DELETE"){ &writelog("addatq remove only $pid"); }else{ Schedule::At::add (TIME => "$atdateparam", COMMAND => "$toolpath/perl/folprep.pl $pid" , TAG => "$pid"."_X"); &writelog("addatq TIME $atdateparam COMMAND $toolpath/perl/folprep.pl $pid "); } ##processcheckdate #&writelog("addatq TIME $atdateparam COMMAND $toolpath/perl/schedulecheck.pl"); }#while }#endsub